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Mycoplasma Genitalium: A Rising Threat in the World of STDs

Mycoplasma genitalium is an emerging STD.

Men may have urethritis leading to painful urination or discharge, pain during ejaculation, or irritation around the penis.

Women have a vaginal discharge, pelvic pain or discomfort. Pain during intercourse or abnormal bleeding between periods.

Mycoplasma Genitalium is difficult to diagnose with standard STD tests. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is the most accurate method for diagnosing Mycoplasma Genitalium.

According to the CDC, 400 mg of Moxifloxacin orally daily for 14 days is the preferred antibiotic for treatment.

Call Healthcare For Women at 708-628-3390 for diagnosis and treatment of Mycoplasma Genitalium.


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