
Healthcare for Women, LLC
OB-GYN located in Oak Park, IL
At Healthcare for Women in Oak Park, Dr. Lyndon Taylor has helped many women who have struggled with infertility. His patients respect his expertise and appreciate his caring spirit, and many of them heartily recommend him to others who live in Chicago, Illinois and struggle with infertility.
Infertility Q & A
What is Infertility?
Infertility refers to when a woman is unable to get pregnant after several months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. It is common and affects both men and women.
What Causes Infertility in Women?
In women, infertility can be caused by a number of issues. Some common ones include:
- Ovulation disorders
- Cervical or uterine abnormalities
- Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
- Endometriosis
- Primary ovarian insufficiency
- Polycystic Ovaries
Other potential causes include pelvic adhesions, thyroid issues, some cancers, and some medications.
In addition to these direct causes, there are also risk factors that increase a women’s chances of being infertile. The list of risk factors includes:
- Aging
- Using alcohol and tobacco
- Being either overweight or underweight
How is Infertility Treated?
At Healthcare For Women, Dr Taylor takes a problem oriented straightforward approach to diagnosing and treating basic infertility problems. A semen analysis is performed to determine the number, morphology, quality and forward progression of movement of the sperm. If the swimmers are of poor quality or low in numbers we offer artificial insemination with the partner or donor sperm.
Ultrasound is performed to screen the woman for fibroids or ovarian cysts. Small submucous fibroids or a uterine septum can cause recurrent miscarriage but can easily be removed by hysteroscopy. Larger fibroids or large ovarian cysts can be removed by laparoscopy.
By history, if there is no reason to suspect blockage of the fallopian tubes, we begin ovulation monitoring. We begin Clomid for induction of ovulation in women who have ovulatory dysfunction. Timing is important for conception and Dr. Taylor with help you find that window of opportunity when conception can occur.
Dr. Taylor will work with you to help you achieve fertility and the family you desire in a cost effective way. Should you run into difficulties in achieving pregnancy Dr. Taylor will not hesitate to refer you to a Reproductive Endocrinologist for In-Vitro Fertilization.