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Mycoplasma genitalium is an emerging STD. Men may have urethritis leading to painful urination or discharge, pain during ejaculation, or irritation around the penis. Women have a vaginal discharge, pelvic pain or discomfort. Pain during intercourse or abnormal bleeding between periods. Mycoplasma Genitalium is difficult to diagnose with standard STD...
INTRODUCTION According to the National Institutes of Health, a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services, most of the women living in the United States will develop uterine fibroids during their lifetime. Up to 70% of women of European descent experience fibroids by age 50. The estimates rise...
You may find the problem embarrassing, but urinary incontinence is common in women. In fact, women are two times more likely to have difficulty controlling their bladders than men, according to the Office on Women’s Health. Why are women more prone to this embarrassing symptom? Your reproductive organs. Pregnancy, childbirth,...
Incontinence is one of the most common women’s health issues that no one wants to talk about. Over 40% of women over the age of 65 have some degree of incontinence, but that doesn’t mean it’s an inevitable part of aging. In most cases, if you talk to your trusted...
Do you have a problem with urine leaking through your underwear every time you cough, laugh, exercise, or get out of a car? Are you wearing pads so urine won’t stain your clothes and cause embarrassing situations in public? When you reach this point, it’s time to get help. If...
You may be living with fibroids and not even know it. Since fibroids can occur without symptoms, it’s difficult to determine how many women have this condition. These tumors can exist without symptoms in almost one in three women who develop them. While fibroids can occur without discomfort, some women...
Every year in the United States, an estimated 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted disease (STD) are diagnosed. By definition, anyone who’s sexually active can get an STD, so everyone who’s sexually active should also be tested for STDs at some point. Not every STD has outward symptoms, so...
Are your Pap smear results stressing you out? Although a Pap smear test is the best way to look for abnormalities that could indicate cervical cancer, pre-cancerous and cancerous cells are rarely found. A Pap smear can detect many abnormalities, including local inflammation and a few sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia,...
Birth control comes in a dizzying array of choices these days, from condoms and birth control pills to implantable devices and even tubal ligation. While so many options can be overwhelming, considering these three critical aspects of contraception can help you find the best solution. Dr. Lyndon Taylor is a...
Menopause is a natural progression that’s part of a woman’s health. It marks the time when a woman reaches the end of her fertility and goes a solid 12 months without a period. But, you don’t have to suffer for those 12 months before you receive treatment Some women sail...
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, affects 1 in every 10 women of childbearing age. Women with the condition experience an imbalance of their reproductive hormones, causing problems in the ovaries. It’s often characterized by many small cysts in or on your ovaries. When your ovaries are affected, so is your...
Are you and your partner struggling with infertility problems? Dr. Lyndon Taylor at Healthcare for Women wants you to know that you’re not alone. In fact, the Office on Women’s Health reports that about 10%, or 6.1 million, of women in the United States ages 15-44 struggle with infertility. While...
Though the stigma of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) may make you shy about asking for a test, it’s most certainly a necessary part of good health. STDs can affect anyone—even virgins. Without testing, you may not know you even have a condition that can lead to complex health complications,...
You may have never heard of vaginal prolapse, but it’s fairly common among women who have experienced multiple childbirths and women in menopause. What is vaginal prolapse? Your pelvic muscles are important; they hold the organs in your pelvis in place. If these muscles weaken, they may no longer support...
If you’re caught in a vicious cycle of painful periods because of uterine fibroids, you’ve likely exhausted every treatment avenue. While it may seem an extreme solution, a hysterectomy may be the only way out of the never-ending agony of problematic fibroids that are wreaking havoc on your life. Here...