Healthcare for Women, LLC Near West Suburbs of Chicago, Oak Park, IL Office
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Healthcare For Women
The Excellent Care You Need
The Compassion You Deserve
When You Need it..... and You Need it Now
To accommodate patients busy schedules, we open our office on Saturday and Sunday and on evenings 6-9pm on weekdays in addition to our 10-5 pm daytime hours on weekdays. . We specialize in treating urgent office gynecological problems like STD's, Urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, acute pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, Bartholin cysts, ovarian cysts, fibroids endometriosis, methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy's, threatened miscarriage and first trimester pregnancy's . Healthcare For Women is proud to offer same day office visits for these urgent gynecological problems. We have Telehealth Video Consultation's for follow up of labs tests and prescriptions management. We do follow up Telehealth Video Visits, so you do not have to take off work to see your Gynecologist. We try to get Emergencies in on the same day and URGENT VISITS within 24 hours. Our offices have ample free parking. Our Staff are friendly and efficient. We are sorry but we do not take any HMO's, or New Medicare and Medicaid.
I believe there is no medical relationship that creates a stronger bond than between a woman and her OB/GYN. That's why I think you have a right to know the evidence for your options of treatment to understand the medical issues that are important to you. I believe we are in this together. Gynecological care involves the active involvement of the patient. Medical education is an ongoing task. It belongs to both of us. It is my job to bring the most current gynecological care available, and I pledge myself to that task. I believe that knowledgeable patients are the best patients. That's why you will find an extensive collection of health literature and videos to assist in your education and informed consent. I believe that physicians have the obligation to ease the minds of patients as well as heal their bodies. That's why I allow time during each office visit for questions.
STD Testingmore info
HPVmore info
Genital Herpes in Women and Pregnancymore info
Chlamydiamore info
Trichomonas vaginalismore info
HIVmore info
Syphilismore info
Hepatitis B in Women and Pregnancymore info
Hepatitis C in Women and Pregnancymore info
Mycoplasmamore info
Ureaplasmamore info
Bacterial Vaginosismore info
Vaginal Dischargemore info
Vaginal Infectionsmore info
Pap Smearmore info
Birth Controlmore info
IUDmore info
Nexplanonmore info
Abnormal Bleedingmore info
Chronic Pelvic Painmore info
Infertilitymore info
Artificial Inseminationmore info
PCOSmore info
Fibroidsmore info
Office Ultrasoundmore info
Prenatal Caremore info
Sneak Peakmore info
First Trimester Pregnancy Testingmore info
Unity blood tests at 10 weeks to screen for chromosome conditions in pregnancy.more info
Hysterectomymore info
Incontinencemore info
COEMIGmore info
Hormone Replacementmore info
My Risk Hereditary Cancer Testmore info
Gynecologic Cancermore info
Gonorrheamore info
Mirena IUDmore info
Gynecologymore info
Conservative approach to Vaginal Prolapsemore info
My Risk Hereditary Cancer Screening Testmore info